
July 24, 2012

::Thanks Pinterest!::

Flannery and Molly find the best stuff to make on Pinterest.  Me... I see things on there that are so cute but never seem to get it together to make anything.

Recently, Molly made recycled t-shirt scarf necklaces for Flannery and me.  Except she didn't have any old t-shirts to use so she bought one at Target.  She found the tutorial on Pinterest and discovered Bridgette of  Ette Studios.  What a great new blog to follow!

Here's Bridgette's necklace:

gorgeous color, isn't it?

Here are Molly's:



Thanks, Bridgette for the inspiration!

Flannery got the supplies for these bracelets and made them with our kiddos during our week long visit at my house.  She found this specific tutorial on Happy Hour Project via Pinterest and it was perfect for our six girls to work on.  Quick and cute!  Flannery used the twine and was able to find heart shape connectors in addition to the circle ones.

Here are Adrianne's:

Here's Flannery and our girls':

 Thanks Adrianne!

Molly spotted this great tutorial on Pinterest.  Rebecca from My Girlish Whims  made these Anthropologie knock offs.

Here are Flannery and Molly's versions:

same tute but with round and blue beads
With blue beads

Thanks, Rebecca!

Flannery and Molly wanted to see what other 
Anthropologie earrings they could recreate 
and found these Nacreous earrings made with
fresh water pearls.
Gorgeous, right?

Check out my sisters' versions:
With white beads
Aren't they awesome?
Just lovely, I think.
With peach colored beads

My sisters were able to squeeze in one last pair before our visit was over.  These were also modeled after Anthro earrings, but alas, the originals are sold out so I can't show them to you.  The beads were wrapped only half way around the loop and a large bead was added to the bottom. 

Here are Flannery's and Molly's:

Are you as inspired by Pinterest as we are?
Thanks Pinterest!


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