
March 8, 2011

Tales of a Beginner Sewer

Yes, it's true. I don't know how to sew. I'm slightly embarrassed to admit this. Why?! Probably because every other woman in my family knows how to sew & quilt. Me? I can't even hem a pair of pants. But things are about to change because...

I bought THIS last weekend:

Janome DC2011

I headed to Joann's yesterday for some sewing "staples." If any of you have favorite sewing products or gadgets, please let me know (I need all the help I can get...I didn't even know what a bobbin was until today!).

THE GOOD NEWS: Last night, I mastered winding the bobbin & threading the machine! WINNING! ;)

THE BAD NEWS: I can't get the reverse stitch button to work. Hmmmmm. So, tonight I'm going to curl up in bed with my new friend, the Janome Instruction Manual AND a old friend, a glass of vino. :)

I hope you'll join me on my journey as I learn how to sew. My first project will be this necklace from See Kate Sew (I love her tutorials!). And then maybe this tie for baby C. What else should I try!?


  1. Yay Molly!!! That is my machine and I love it!!

  2. I'm there with 'ya, Molly. My sewing skills lack....patience. :o) No doubt you're going to have a knack for it, though!

  3. I'm embarrassed to admit that I bought a sewing machine for my birthday (in December) and it's still in the box! I really need to crack that baby out and start learning. Good luck to you!


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