
July 21, 2011

Amy Butler, Silhouette SD. Have you met?

I got a 'lot' of Amy Butler from and when Mary Larkin spied the PURPLE in it, she a shirt.  And of course it was THE perfect way to practice using the Silhouette with interfacing.

Mary Larkin has no problem sitting for photo shoots.

We used Silhouette's brand of interfacing but it seemed so similar to Heat 'n Bond.
Wonder if that would work, too?

The flower is one of their free shapes.

Think we have a career as a kid model or just a goofball?

Work it girl.

Our photoshoot was interrupted by a Jane-sighting. Jane is our neighbor and Mary Larkin's faaaavvvvoooorrrrite. She about hyperventilates when there is a Jane-sighting.

The End.
I love my Silhouette machine and I love Amy Butler.
And I love that I can get all the Amy Butler I want and need from our friends at
It's the beginning of a long and beautiful friendship my dearies.


  1. Heat n Bond does work! I had to play to get the settings right. Use a speed of 2 and a thickness of 33. I also used the carrier sheet and the blue .1mm blade. Enjoy!!!

  2. Thanks Brittany!! I have some more Silhouette questions I have to send your way......


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