
August 27, 2011

::Do You Hear the Crickets Chirping Over Here?::


I don't know about you, but I get so disappointed when I visit a blog and the blogger doesn't update every day. I know I shouldn't expect people to blog constantly but I just love new blog posts and to see what my favorite people are up to/making/baking/creating.

Well, you may have noticed that it's gotten a bit quiet 'round these parts. And as much as we LOVE blogging~ in fact we're quite passionate about it~ sometimes things happen and we have to put the blog to the side for a moment or two or twenty. We hope you understand because we will get back to sewing and crafting and blogging! Promise and Pinky Swear!

But I couldn't write a post with out pictures. These are a few from from my visit to Chicago to see Flannery back in July. They make me laugh. They make me smile. And they make me a little sad, because I miss my nieces, my nephew and my sisters.

Thanks for understanding Blogging Friends!


  1. Love the photos so cute made me smile. i know what you mean about loving blogging but finding time. I cant keep up with posting & reading all the lovely blogs sometimes

  2. Thanks for your kind words, Sarah! We appreciate it very much!



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