
August 4, 2011

Hmmmm.... What to make? What to make?

Some may agree
Some may disagree
But I think JoAnn's fabrics
are improving.

Take a look see at this sweet collection
mustard yellow
and white.

I love it
and it's super soft.

I'm thinking of making a quilted table runner
or a belt
or headbands for me and my sisters.

Something easy and quick.
But I never make things very easily or quickly.

And it would be Work In Progress #3.

My goal for now is to wash. iron. fold.

Ya know, the usual.

Here's another little sweet one
that I haaadddd to have!

I mean, it's almost school time and everything.

I quickly texted a pic to my sisters and of course
they loved it...
but then Molly asked

"What can we do with that?"

Um, not sure...
but for now...



  1. love the yellows and greys!! I am helping a friend redo her office space in those colors! As for the abc fabric....I see a little school pencil pouch in your future!

  2. You could make reusable snack bags with that fabric!!! I would definitely take one or two!!!!

  3. I have that same mustard pattern - I wish I had gotten more! I love it!


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