
December 23, 2011


we're down to the last days before christmas.
all my shopping is completed
and i feel relatively peaceful and calm
during this holiday season.
compared to previous years at least.

the flip side of that peace and calm is
we have very few decorations up this year,
some ornaments are still in the box. waiting.
no cookies are made (yet)
and i have not sewn
all the things i had planned to.

sometimes i'm hard on myself and
think that i should do more.

but i decided to do it differently this year
and not push myself to the limit.

i think my family might be enjoying
a less stressed mama
and i've lost 3 lbs!
with all the extra exercise
and less stress eating!



  1. Fun! I love the vintage-y kind of feel it has! Great wreath

  2. Thanks Jaime! You always have such sweet comments!



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