
January 28, 2011

:: GIVEAWAY :: Thank you for being our friend.... down the road and back again.  

Ok, but seriously, thank you for being our friends.  We have passed the 50 followers on the blog --AND--we have well over 300 friends on Facebook!
So we decided a giveaway is in order--for our most loyal readers and for our new readers.  

Remember that handy dandy tag craft punch we talked about here and here?  
It's sooo awesome and handy to have that, we are giving it away to one lucky Three Sisterz reader!  

How do you win?
1. Become a follower on our blog (one entry).
2. LIKE us on Facebook (one entry).
3. Tweet or send a shout on FB about the giveaway (one entry for each).

Then, leave us a comment here telling us all of the above that you did we can keep track, see. 
Do this all by midnight Thursday, February 3.  
**We'll announce the winner Friday, February 4.**

Good luck!


  1. I am a follower on Facebook. Love reading all your updates!! :)

  2. I am a follower!!

  3. Of course I follow you and I'm in love with Craft Punches.


  4. I don't like you on FB I love you on FB!=)

    under the name Kelly C

  5. I follow on FB and Google, and I liked & shared your link on FB...I was looking for one of those punches the other day and couldn't find it :)

  6. Hi girls,
    I am following now on both FB and Google, and I like & shared on FB. Hoping to win!

  7. Fun ideas! I like the stool especially well... I am 5' also! Congrats on 50 followers!

  8. I "like" you on facebook, I'm definitely a "follower", I'm telling all my friends about you on give ME that prize!! :o)

  9. I "like" your vintage tags on FB, I'm definitely a "follower" of all things Three Sisterz, hubby gave your contest a "shout out" from Eiden Photography on FB, and I'm going to tell all my friends about your contest. Now give ME that prize :o)

  10. you may have created a crafter out me!!! fb fan, blog follower and i am leaving a shout out on fb!

  11. I am a follower and a facebook liker. I hope I win!

  12. I have shared info about your giveaway on Facebook.

  13. Been a follower for awhile and love reading your blog! Congrats on the milestone!!


THANK YOU so much for commenting! We LOVE hearing from our readers!