Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

September 13, 2011

I Don't Know How She Does It

Have you seen the previews for SJP's new movie 'I Don't Know How She Does It'?

I haven't read the book (who has time for reading!?), but I'm dying to see the movie. Since becoming a mom 15 months ago, I have developed an even greater respect for moms everywhere - single, married, working or stay at home. I don't care what your situation is, being a mom is the hardest job around. Period.

I'm constantly debating in my head whether a mama can actually Have.It.All. I'm not so sure it's possible. I'm amazed by the blogger moms out there, who have a successful business and blog...AND keep up with the bills, kids, pets, socializing, cleaning, exercising, cooking, etc. Seriously, how do you gals do it!? Something's gotta give, right?!

For me, I've had to cut back on blogging and creating for the last month or so. And that's frustrating. I have a husband, a toddler, a full time job & a dog...and those come first. Not to mention, taking care of myself & my health. So, I want to know, moms...what's your secret???  Can we have it all? What things have you given up or put on the back burner?

July 6, 2011

How To Comment on Our Blog

Court's comin'. Court's comin.  Yeah, that's right--Court is coming to visit!!  
She's en route as I type this. We are so psyched. 

And speaking of friends and family.....

Any of you out there who read our blog and lurk but don't comment--we really, REALLY want to hear from you. 
Mimi, are you out there??  We reallllly want you to comment.
Makes us feel good. Strokes our ego. Keeps us motivated to keep on keepin' on. 

Well today is your day. Here is a little teeny tiny tute (blogger language for tutorial) on 

First, start by scrolling down to the bottom of the blog post on which you want to comment.

Click on "Leave us a comment."
Real easy here, folks.

Okay, see that box screaming for you to type in it?  Yup, that's the one.
Go ahead and write what you think in there.

Next, you have a few choices as to how you will identify yourself or not at all, of course.

Bam. Done.  Took you 5 seconds, right?
Now it'll take a little bit for the comment to be published.
We'll receive it, then publish it and then it will show up. 

Seriously, though, we love to hear from our readers.  We know you are out there and we soooooo appreciate you reading. Hopefully this will help you out!!