How are you?
What have you been up to?
In between Tball, softball, swim team and being outdoors during the long-awaited springtime, I've managed to squeeze in some quiet time which I've needed desperately. I'm being a little selfish these days.
Like most moms, I've given so much of myself to my children and it's been to my detriment. The constant care and nurturing of my three girls over the last 12 years has left me depleted and lost. Now that they're older and in school for longer periods of time, I've forced myself to take better care of me. This includes actually showering every day, putting on make up, long walks, a nap here or there, reading during the day and all those good things that feed my soul. These are all such minor and little things that add up to a huge change in my state of mind.
Surprisingly, I don't feel guilty. I don't feel guilty and I can't believe that. I had to work at not feeling guilty that the house was a mess or that gourmet dinners weren't on the table at 6pm sharp.
But I've noticed a huge difference; I feel calm and peaceful and happy. And for that, I am grateful.
Because when the first one gets off the bus at 3pm until 9:30 at night when the last one falls asleep, I'm much more patient with the girls (and the husband) and not so exhausted and cranky at dinner/homework/bed time.
During my quiet time I've been working on blocks for the Virtual Quilting Bee with Amy Smart @Diary of a Quilter. What do you think? Do you like this one?
I think it goes well with these.

I've been reading about one women's journey to from panic to peace. I could use a little more peace and a lot less anxiety in my life and she shares some great ways to do that in her book.
Cuddling with the kiddos has been at the top of the list. My oldest just turned twelve and I feel the years just speeding by. I cringe when I think about a few short years from now when she will be out of the house. One day I'm going to look back and be so happy that I cuddled with my girls instead of putting laundry away in drawers and keeping my kitchen crumb-free.
I've been chain piecing blocks for Bloom Bloom Pow Quilt-a-Long with Lee @ Freshly Pieced while this one keeps me company.
I've signed up for Sewing Summit 2013. Cannot wait!
I've been learning to use a 60* triangle ruler to cut Bloom Bloom Pow triangles. Trying to keep the ruler from moving around while I cut has been so hard. I'm hoping my mistakes don't mess up my quilt in the end.
And I've been getting in front of the camera with my pumpkins. When I first had Colleen, my oldest, I called her my little peanut. I call each of my girls 'peanut' and also 'pumpkin'. I think I picked this up from our mom. I use the words like you would use "honey." I'll say, "Come here pumpkin and let me brush your hair." The other day, one of Maeve's friends heard me call her 'pumpkin' and roared with laughter that I "...called her a pumpkin!" I'm now wondering if they are funny or odd terms of endearment. Is it strange? I don't know but I've used them forever and I'm pretty sure our mom used those words too. They are affectionate and special to me but now that I think about it, it might seem pretty funny if I heard a mom call her child a 'squash' or an 'olive' or some other food product. But that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Hope you had a great weekend. Have a great Monday!

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